Source code for helpers.window

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

                                 A QGIS plugin
 Filter collection implemented with SciPy
        begin                : 2024-03-26
        copyright            : (C) 2024 by Florian Neukirchen
        email                :

 *                                                                         *
 *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
 *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
 *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
 *                                                                         *

__author__ = 'Florian Neukirchen'
__date__ = '2024-03-26'
__copyright__ = '(C) 2024 by Florian Neukirchen'

# This will get replaced with a git SHA1 when you do a git archive

__revision__ = '$Format:%H$'

import numpy as np

DEFAULTWINDOWSIZE = 5000 # Large is faster, but must be small enought for RAM
MAXSIZE = 200 # Max size in Mpixels for algs that can't use a window 

[docs]class RasterWindow(): """ Window for reading/writing a subset of a raster into/from a numpy array. Helper class for a window (tile) of a large raster to be used for processing in a moving window. The window can have a margin, for algorithms that consider the neighborhood of a pixel as well. For example, a 3x3 kernel needs a margin of 1. The windows (RasterWindow instances) can be generated with :py:func:`.get_windows`. Does not contain any data, only the parameters to read/write a subset of the raster with `GDAL <>`_ and to slice off the margin before writing data to the output dataset. To read and write the data with `GDAL <>`_ use the :py:attr:`.gdalin` and :py:attr:`.gdalout` properties. Any margin must be removed from the numpy array before writing the data back to the raster, see :py:meth:`.getslice`. Example:: # Input and output datasets with gdal ds = gdal.Open("raster.tif") driver = gdal.GetDriverByName("GTiff") dst_ds = driver.CreateCopy(dst_filename, src_ds, strict=0) # Get windows windows = get_windows(ds.RasterXSize, ds.RasterYSize, windowsize=windowsize, margin=margin) # Loop over windows band = 1 for win in windows: a = ds.GetRasterBand(band).ReadAsArray(*win.gdalin) # In this case a is a 2D numpy array # Your calculation with numpy array a a = a[win.getslice(2)] # Slice off the margin (2D array) dst_ds.GetRasterBand(band).WriteArray(filtered, *win.gdalout) # Close datasets (flushes data to file) ds = None dst_ds = None """ def __init__(self, rasterXSize, rasterYSize, xoff, yoff, xsize, ysize, margin=0): self.rasterXSize = rasterXSize self.rasterYSize = rasterYSize # Without margin self.xoff = xoff self.yoff = yoff self.xsize = xsize self.ysize = ysize self.xshift = 0 self.yshift = 0 self.margin = margin # With margin self.m_xsize = self.xsize + 2 * self.margin self.m_ysize = self.ysize + 2 * self.margin self.m_xoff = self.xoff - self.margin self.m_yoff = self.yoff - self.margin # Shift the window if on edge if self.m_xoff < 0: self.xshift = self.margin self.m_xoff = 0 if self.m_yoff < 0: self.yshift = self.margin self.m_yoff = 0 if self.m_xoff + self.m_xsize > self.rasterXSize: self.xshift = -self.margin self.m_xoff = self.rasterXSize - self.m_xsize if self.m_yoff + self.m_ysize > self.rasterYSize: self.yshift = -self.margin self.m_yoff = self.rasterYSize - self.m_ysize @property def gdalin(self): """ Parameters for `GDAL <>`_ ReadAsArray() method. Tuple with x_offset, y_offset, x_size, y_size (including the margins of the window). The tuple can be unpacked with * to be used as parameters with ReadAsArray. Example:: a = ds.GetRasterBand(band).ReadAsArray(*win.gdalin) :return: tuple with x_offset, y_offset, x_size, y_size """ return self.m_xoff, self.m_yoff, self.m_xsize, self.m_ysize @property def gdalout(self): """ Parameters for `GDAL <>`_ WriteArray() method. Tuple with x_offset, y_offset (excluding the margins of the window). The tuple can be unpacked with * to be used as parameters with the `GDAL <>`_ WriteArray() method. Margins must from the numpy array before writing to the output dataset, see :py:meth:`.get_slice`. Example:: a = a[win.getslice()] # Slice off the margin dst_ds.WriteArray(a, *win.gdalout) :return: tuple with x_offset, y_offset """ return self.xoff, self.yoff # Only for debugging: @property def gdalin_no_margin(self): """ Parameters for `GDAL <>`_ ReadAsArray() method to read data without margin. Only for debugging, use :py:attr:`.gdalin` instead. :return: tuple with x_offset, y_offset, x_size, y_size including the margins """ return self.xoff, self.yoff, self.xsize, self.ysize
[docs] def getslice(self, ndim=3): """ Get tuple of :py:obj:`slice` objects to be used directly with numpy to remove the margin of the window before writing the data into the output dataset. Example:: a = a[win.getslice()] # Slice off the margin of a 3D numpy array :param ndim: number of dimensions of the numpy array; either 2 or 3, default is 3 :type ndim: int, optional :return: tuple of slice objects """ ystop = -(self.margin + self.yshift) xstop = -(self.margin + self.xshift) if ystop == 0: ystop = None if xstop == 0: xstop = None ys = slice(self.margin - self.yshift, ystop, None) xs = slice(self.margin - self.xshift, xstop, None) if ndim == 2: return (ys, xs) else: return (slice(None, None, None), ys, xs)
def __str__(self): return f"<RasterWindow>{self.xoff} {self.yoff} size {self.xsize} {self.ysize} margin {self.margin}"
[docs] def get_a_off(self): """ Get the x and y offsets with and without margins. Primarily for debugging. :return: tuple with x_offset, y_offset, x_offset_no_margin, y_offset_no_margin """ return self.xoff, self.yoff, self.m_xoff, self.m_yoff
[docs]def get_windows(rasterXSize, rasterYSize, windowsize=5000, margin=0): """ Generator yielding :py:class:`RasterWindow` instances, dividing a large raster into smaller windows (tiles). The generated window objects do not contain the data, only the pixel indices and sizes that are used internally to read and write the data with `GDAL <>`_. Note that numpy, scipy etc. are very performant on large arrays. It is best to use a large windowsize or even the whole raster, as long as enough memory is avaible. The windows can have a margin, for algorthims that consider the neighborhood of a pixel as well. For example, a 3x3 kernel needs a margin of 1. If you need the number of windows (e.g. for a progress bar), use :py:func:`.number_of_windows`. :param rasterXSize: number of pixels in x direction of the raster :type rasterXSize: int :param rasterYSize: int, number of pixels in y direction of the raster :type rasterYSize: int :param windowsize: Size of the windows in x and y direction in pixels, default is 5000 :type windowsize: int, optional :param margin: Size of the margin in pixels, default is 0 :type margin: int, optional :return: :py:class:`RasterWindow` instances """ if windowsize == None: # get 1 window with full raster yield RasterWindow(rasterXSize, rasterYSize, 0, 0, rasterXSize, rasterYSize, margin=0) return if (np.min((rasterXSize, rasterYSize)) < 2 * windowsize): # print("only one") # get 1 window with full raster yield RasterWindow(rasterXSize, rasterYSize, 0, 0, rasterXSize, rasterYSize, margin=0) return for x in range(0, rasterXSize, windowsize): if x + 1.5 * windowsize > rasterXSize: xsize = rasterXSize - x else: xsize = windowsize for y in range(0, rasterYSize, windowsize): if y + 1.5 * windowsize > rasterYSize: ysize = rasterYSize - y else: ysize = windowsize if (xsize > windowsize / 2) and (ysize > windowsize / 2): yield RasterWindow(rasterXSize, rasterYSize, x, y, xsize, ysize, margin)
[docs]def number_of_windows(rasterXSize, rasterYSize, windowsize): """ Returns the number of windows that would be created with :py:func:`.get_windows`. To be used for progress bar, etc. :param rasterXSize: number of pixels in x direction of the raster :type rasterXSize: int :param rasterYSize: number of pixels in y direction of the raster :type rasterYSize: int :param windowsize: Size of the windows in x and y direction in pixels :type windowsize: int :return: int, number of windows """ if windowsize == None: return 1 if (np.min((rasterXSize, rasterYSize)) < 2 * windowsize): return 1 x = np.ceil(rasterXSize / windowsize) y = np.ceil(rasterYSize / windowsize) if (rasterXSize % windowsize) < (windowsize / 2): x = x - 1 if (rasterYSize % windowsize) < (windowsize / 2): y = y - 1 return int(x * y)
[docs]def wrap_margin(a, dataset, win: RasterWindow, band=None): """ Fill margin of numpy array to enable SciPy filters with mode wrap. Fills the margin of a numpy array that was read from a :py:class:`RasterWindow` that is situated on the edge of the original raster with the data of the far side of the raster. This makes :code:`mode="wrap"`, offered by some `SciPy <>`_ filters, possible. The wrapping itself is done by SciPy, this function only fills the data needed for wrapping to work. Example:: import gdal from scipy import ndimage from scipy_filters.helpers.window import get_windows, wrap_margin ds = gdal.Open("raster.tif") driver = gdal.GetDriverByName("GTiff") dst_ds = driver.CreateCopy(dst_filename, src_ds, strict=0) windows = get_windows(ds.RasterXSize, ds.RasterYSize, windowsize=2000, margin=2) for band in range(1, ds.RasterCount + 1): for win in windows: a = ds.GetRasterBand(band).ReadAsArray(*win.gdalin) wrap_margin(a, ds, win, band=band) # Your calculation, for example median filter a = ndimage.median_filter(a, size=5, mode="wrap") a = a[win.getslice(2)] # Slice off the margin of the 2D array dst_ds.GetRasterBand(band).WriteArray(filtered, *win.gdalout) :param a: Numpy array with the data of the window :param dataset: gdal dataset of the input raster :param win: RasterWindow :param band: int | None. Number of band (and using a 2D array), None for all bands (3D array if more than 1 band exists). """ rasterXSize = dataset.RasterXSize rasterYSize = dataset.RasterYSize # Shortcut: Nothing to do if we are not on edge if win.xshift == win.yshift == 0: return # No wrapping needed if window is full raster if win.xsize == win.rasterXSize: return # If band, get the array of the band, otherwise of the complete ds if band: dataset = dataset.GetRasterBand(band) # Prepare slices (for tile array) and offsets (for full dataset) n_slice = slice(None, None) # Small sides if win.xshift > 0: x_slice = slice(-win.margin, None) xoff = rasterXSize - win.margin else: x_slice = slice(0, win.margin) xoff = 0 if win.yshift > 0: y_slice = slice(-win.margin, None) yoff = rasterYSize - win.margin else: y_slice = slice(0, win.margin) yoff = 0 # Long sides x_long_slice = slice(0, win.m_xsize) y_long_slice = slice(0, win.m_ysize) # Do the wrapping # left or right side if win.xshift != 0: if a.ndim == 3: slicer = (n_slice, y_long_slice, x_slice) else: slicer = (y_long_slice, x_slice) a[slicer] = dataset.ReadAsArray(xoff, win.m_yoff, win.margin, win.m_ysize) # upper or lower side if win.yshift != 0: if a.ndim == 3: slicer = (n_slice, y_slice, x_long_slice) else: slicer = (y_slice, x_long_slice) a[slicer] = dataset.ReadAsArray(win.m_xoff, yoff, win.m_xsize, win.margin) # corners if win.yshift != 0 and win.xshift != 0: if a.ndim == 3: slicer = (n_slice, y_slice, x_slice) else: slicer = (y_slice, x_slice) a[slicer] = dataset.ReadAsArray(xoff, yoff, win.margin, win.margin)