Enhance — SciPy Filters for QGIS

Unsharp mask

class scipy_filters.algs.scipy_enhance_algorithms.SciPyUnsharpMaskAlgorithm[source]

Sharpen the image with an unsharp mask filter

Dimension Calculate for each band separately (2D) or use all bands as a 3D datacube and perform filter in 3D.


bands will be the first axis of the datacube.

Sigma Standard deviation of the gaussian filter. The size of the gaussian kernel is 4 * sigma.

Amount Amplification factor.

Border mode determines how input is extended around the edges: Reflect (input is extended by reflecting at the edge), Constant (fill around the edges with a constant value), Nearest (extend by replicating the nearest pixel), Mirror (extend by reflecting about the center of last pixel), Wrap (extend by wrapping around to the opposite edge).

Wiener filter

class scipy_filters.algs.scipy_enhance_algorithms.SciPyWienerAlgorithm[source]

Wiener filter (noise reduction). Calculated with wiener from scipy.signal.

Dimension Calculate for each band separately (2D) or use all bands as a 3D datacube and perform filter in 3D.


bands will be the first axis of the datacube.

Size Size of filter in pixels. All values must be odd.

Noise The noise-power to use. If not set, estimate noise from local variance.